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Thursday, August 26, 2010

Feeling the buggy boo :)... Feelin' the weight gain :(

I've started to feel our little buggy boo! It's just an awesome feeling. At first a couple weeks ago I was feeling very breif "flips" or "flutters", which only lasted a second... for this week, it's lasted for a good half a minute each time and they are through out the day. :)
I'm trying not to be so over dramatic, but it's like this life changing experience, every time I feel her. It's an addiction now... I find myself waiting for the next movement.

Yes, I said her... I don't know for sure yet what our little baby will be just yet... but I of course have my suspicions.

We'll find out the sex SOON... it's a surprise when we'll find out... BUT, when we decide to let everyone in on the secret... I'll be sure to post it!

Now... for the topic not fun to talk about... WEIGHT GAIN. EEW. I didn't think it would be so difficult to watch that scale go ... higher, higher.... oh and HIGHER every time I go to my doctor appointments.. but truthfully it's almost gut wrenching! Of course you know, you have to gain weight when you're pregnant... you brace yourself for it... but it's harder to deal with while it's happening then you might think!

I'm so scared of being that short chubby prego lady, ha. I guess it's time for me to get over that fear and deal with the weight gain at hand. I'm going to gain weight, I'm not going to be one of those lucky ladies who is tiny and simply has a basketball tummy... which is okay. I'm getting what I've been wishing for, for so long... I'm getting for free what I originally paid tons of money just to find out invitro didn't work! Who cares if a little weight gain comes with the wish? Don't nit pick when you're lucky to get what you want! ;)

PS. No promises I won't complain just a tad more about the weight gain later ;) ... besides isn't that my right as a pregnant lady? hehe.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Who made you the king?

Some days, I get so tired of... OPINIONS. I mean at some point , I just want to say ... WHO CARES ABOUT WHAT YOU THINK?! Let me live my life, you live yours and we'll all be okay!

That's why I'm in love with the song by Sara Bareilles, King of Anything... it says everything I'd like to say. Basically, we're all entitled to our own opinion... which is fine... what makes it overwhelming is when you think we should TAKE your opinion and you get angry when we don't!

A few of my FAV versus from the song:

You’ve got opinions, man
We’re all entitled to ‘em, but I never asked
So let me thank you for your time, and try not to waste anymore of mine

I hate to break it to you babe,
but I’m not drowning
There’s no one here to save

I’m not the one who’s lost with no direction
But you’ll never see
You’re so busy making maps with my name on them in all caps
You got the talking down, just not the listening

Who cares if you disagree?
You are not me
Who made you king of anything?
So you dare tell me who to be?
Who died and made you king of anything?

Let me hold your crown.

You can hear the song at:

Thanks to my friend Shannon Danis for telling me about this song!!! GREAT FIND ;)

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

HAPPY 9th ANNIVERSARY ON 8/21/10 Besty!

Happy Anniversary to me and my besty. For 9 years we've been best friends... AKA TFF's. We have been through SO much together! From cheerleader vs. trouble-maker to party buds to best friends. Crying in Taco Bell bathrooms, tongue ring piercings, CROOKED ear piercings, Uhaul parties, Yeager parties, jello shooter parties, TOGA Parties... lol..., TOK VS. FTK, Seats being removed from cars by parents, embarrasments, tears, boys, girls, parents, sisters... also many things I can't even put up on this blog :D ... all of it. And we've come out closer than ever. Through our years being friends we've had our ups and downs as any meaningful relationship does. We've come out of it, I believe better people and we've learned so much from each other. For us, we've learned to not judge each other, no matter what. We don't always agree and are opposites on quite a few things... but I think thats what makes us special and so close... we can show each other the "other side" of a situation and we're not afraid to tell each other the truth... BUT we also know when just being there and listening goes further than an opinion or telling each other we did the wrong thing. It's an even balance I think it takes years to learn... and there's still plenty more to learn!

Ashley Nicole Vaughan, I love you besty. I'm so happy we've stuck with each other through it all. I couldn't ask for a better friend. I miss you! XOXO

Below, my gift to Ashley! ;)

Monday, August 9, 2010

Test Results are IN! ( Down Syndrome, Trisomy 13 & Trisomy 18)

Test results are in! We have a 1 in 10,000 chance our child will have any of the three illnesses mentioned above. This is the LOWEST risk you can have. This is just WONDERFUL NEWS!!!!!!!!!! I was sooo extatic to hear about his news on Friday, 7/30/10.... EXP considering I had a HORRIBLE day at work. I really needed some good news.

I have been very busy moving and with work so I haven't been able to update much.. but we've just moved into our temporary home... month to month until we HOPEFULLy buy a house soon.

SOOO... Eating healthy while you're packing, moving, unpacking, pregnant and have a husband who hasn't gained a pound for 14 years.. since before highschool... almost IMPOSSIBLE!!!

First off, it doesn't help that the sweets just taste SO much better... me and food have this whole new relationship that I can't break off! Breakfast food... yummmmy.

It's like all the will power that I used to have has gotten up and flown right out the window... not only that... but right out of this world! Is it easier to say... "I can eat this, I'm pregnant.." Yes, of course it is! Do I feel horrible after I eat it? Sad thing is... no, I don't at all!!!! I've gone through spurts of feeling bad a few times... but it generally takes a couple days.
I have found myself even dreaming of the sweet, sugary, cheezy, cheese danish in my sleep along with the amazing donuts and cheesecakes topped with strawberries... it's soooo bad! I'm like this weird person who's mind is all of a sudden consumed with food!

I find myself actually sick and tired of figureing out what to eat! When it's time for breakfast, lunch or dinner... I simply can't make up my mind because there are so many foods going through my brain! It's so tiring figuring out what it's going to be. I'm like this pregnant lady that has become a FOODAHOLIC! SOMEONE STOP ME!

Don't worry, I know I'm probably making this a bit worse than it is :) I certainly wouldn't be pinning THIS picture on me just yet :)

Okay, this is all I have to report for now! XOXO

Belly Pics 13 Weeks & 4 Days

Sorry I've been slacking on the updates! I'm working on catching up now :)

Here's some much requested belly pics when I was 13 weeks & 4 Days preggo.