My last appointment went well! We got to hear the babies heart beat... it was truly amazing... I find myself using that word a lot these days...AMAZING.
The babies heart rate is 160 again. So.. now for my questions and answers...
* Can I eat peanut butter? ...
A.) Yes, there is no problem eating peanut butter. The only rule is the baby can not have peanut butter for the first 2 years. Until they can communicate they could be having a reaction.
* Is the babies heartrate an idicator on if it's a boy or girl? A.) Not right now... during the early part of pregnancy higher heart rates are normal. Later during the pregnancy this can be an indicator... but it's not 100%.
* I'm going to ask what cord blood donation intales...
A.) I believe the doctor mis understood me, though I didn't realize it at the time.. First off cord blood donating or saving has NO risks to the baby or the mom. My doctor thought I said I wanted to save the cord blood... so she gave me paper work on saving the cord blood.. which after reading it... makes me wonder if we should.
Cord blood is proven to treat/ cure many diseases. This is not a political debate as it's already been proven. There is no argument about this fact. Cord blood is VERY valuable. The only problem, you generally don't know you or your child needs it until later in life.. which is now why people are saving their cord blood.
This costs about $1900.00... Justin and I had the discussion on if we should save it or donate it... What if we need it down the line... what if we don't and we could have donated it to someone who could use it? I'm going to do a bit more research and then we'll decide. Let me know what you think! Opinions are VERY welcome!!!
* How much weight should I have gained by now and how much more?
This depends, there is no certain number she gave me... just use your common sense on what is good to eat and bad... I read taht you should gain 25-30 pounds.. but after talking to many people who have been pregnant and have had children.. the norm seems to be around 40-60 pounds!
Oy Vey... I'm going to do my best to keep it down and keep it healthy!
* Also the big question, to be sure I can have 5 people in the room with me when the baby is delivered! ( Of course as long as nothing goes wrong and we have a normal delivery)
And that's a Yes! I can have as many people as I want in the room :)
Also, some more good news, I have TWO ultrasounds next week. On Tuesday, 7/27/10, I have my Ultrascreen, this is blood tests and ultrasound, to show the odds of us having a child with down syndrome. Also some other testing done.. I'll let you know more about it once I learn...
Then, my doctors office just got an ultrasound machine in the office! I sure do hope this means Justin and I don't have to go to WRA anymore.. the appointments take FOREVER.. we generally end up having to wait a good 2 hours before we're seen. NOT FUN! Exp when they make you hold your bladder full of water!
SO, Since my doctors office just got an ultrasound machine they are having the nurse/techs practice so they are letting me come in on Monday during lunch for a free ultrasound!
Yay! I have had SO many ultrasounds... lucky lucky me! :D They go a loong way in making you feel better that everything is okay!
So, let me know your opinions on the cord blood!
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