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Monday, February 1, 2010

Day 20 - 1/25/10 EMBRYO TRANSPLANT :D

So, let me catch you up...

The egg retrieval was a little painful and I had to take the day off of work, but the following day I was fine. I had to wait a day to see if the egg they retrieved could be fertilized....
The egg fertilized!!!!!!!! :D We have a baby embryo :)

We went to the doctor today for the transplant. This was a more simple procedure but I still was given a valume and took the day off of work.

We got a picture of our baby embryo when it was in the petri dish... so cool... even cooler....

We got to watch the sonogram as they put the embryo in, i saw it pop up on the screen.... IT WAS AMAZING! I can not even describe the feeling I got. Absolutley amazing, and there is our baby.... now we just have to wait and see if S/He wants to stick with us....

We even got to take home the pictures of the embryo and it in my uterus...

So now, we wait.... wait to see if our baby sticks.... S/He just has to grab on and stay with us... I'm praying.
