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Thursday, October 13, 2011

UPDATE on my scattered life!

Hey everyone... I know, I know... worst blogger ever alert! I keep promising to get back into this and something just keeps coming up... life.

SO... Since I last wrote you here's what's been going on.

Going to work and missing my son was no fun... I missed Maddox so much. Well, to make matters worse work decided to cut almost everyone's pay. Well, I had to make a decision. At this point, getting a pay cut made it not worth it to work for me and be away from my son. If I have to be away from him... I better be making, number 1, what I deserve and Numer 2, enough to counter balance the time away from my son. SO, I decided it wasn't enough and I decided to leave my job. I gave them my notice and made sure to leave on good terms. Was I nervous? Heck yes! I have NEVER... EVER , not had a job since I was 14 years old. I had never left a job without having another job! I felt I had to go with my gut feeling with this was the right thing to do in my life at this time. JK Pest & Termite, owned by my husband, has been doing so well. The fact is, Justin works 7 days a week, morning to evening and he's doing really well. As long as the finances are done properly, he is making plenty to support us. In a way, with Justin gone so much working, I feel maybe Maddox was being slighted a bit with me being at work during the week all day and Justin being at work... well all the time!

So, I've now been home for a month... I do absolutley love being at home with my baby boy. It's such a joy to know that I can wake up and be with him all day long. I started out helping Justin with the business.. working up new marketing ideas. We'll see how they do!

SO, now after being home, my son is crawling all over the place AND he's pulling himself up on everything reaching distance. Our most recent challenge... sippy cups! OH MAN, he does NOT like sippy cups. I'm told eventually he'll get it, but he just doesn't seem interested... which I'll be honest, makes me not interested in giving it to him! He makes a complete mess, spitting juice and water all over the place on every try. Well... I'll keep trying and keep you updated on that!

You know what else is cool? Seeing that Maddox has learned how to work his toys now! You know, he know's what to do to make this toy make noise... or this toy to lite up! It's so amazing to see this little spongy brain soak everything in! He has also learned to pull all of his toys out of his toy basket... ha... that's fun apparently.

What is a pain? Well.. the crawling behind the couch every minute I don't look at him.. so I have to climb behind the couch... in between that and the railings... oh man.. that's a pain. ha.

Stay at home mom... let's see how I do! :D

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