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Wednesday, June 8, 2011


Our beautiful son was born on January 20, 2011 @ 6:35 PM. He weighed 7LBS. 2 Oz. and 19.5 Inches of total perfection!

So... I went through over 30+ hours of labor... I got to 8 cm. dilated and Mr. Maddox decided to tilt his head to the side... which forced him to stay right where he was and couldn't come down anymore... so I had to have a C-Section. I was SO upset... I wanted to have a vaginal birth for him so badly, I wanted to experience it. I guess that just wasn't the plan for us. So, after being SO tired from labor... I went into have my C-Section... which I won't even tell you the BAD experience I had.
I've heard C Sections are better then a vaginal birth from some people... but c section SUCKED for me.
My husband was amazing through the whole process though. He was there for me , as I lay on the surgery table simply crying and saying... " Owy, owy, owy, owy" and the anethesiologist saying, " Can you feel it?" While I have no energy to answer or listen other then to say "Owy, owy owy"... I felt like I was 6 years old again and couldn't articulate how it hurt. THEN... All of a sudden I felt a huge pressure, I felt them pull him out... I hear a cry, I'm looking around and Justin says, "Honey, he's over here!" ... I look in the warm light and the nurse is holding him up so I can see him.. I see this messy, pale, screaming baby... with... BLONDE, CURLY HAIR??? All I could say was... "OMG, He is so beautif....." then, the shot of morphine put me out.
Next thing I woke up and my husband was sitting in the chair next to me, holding our baby boy! It was amazing... although I noticed... this baby has BLACK hair! Later, when I saw the pictures, I realized the light was shining so brightly on him, it reflected off of him... which that in turn with all the drugs I was on, i just saw blonde hair. ha.
So, for the first hour, I kept trying to fight the morphine, I still hadn't held my son! I was shaking profusely from all the meds and I kept passing out every 5 minutes, then forcing myself to wake up... I begged to hold him but Justin says..."Honey your whole body is shaking... you can't hold him yet..." So I finally got my body under control and he gave me the baby... probably 2 hours after he was born.
I will never be able to explain the feeling I had... there is truly no words. I loved this boy more then anything that could EVER exist in this world. How could he be SO perfect?
And so began, the wonderful journey of becoming a mother... and I've fallen more and more in love with my son EVERY DAY since then!

Some main pics of family and Maddox :)

Happy Mommy with baby Maddox

I'm so happy to see Justin become a daddy!

My sister, Sabrina... the long wait over. She was so happy, she was BALLING!

Beautiful pics my sister took at the hospital.

Maddox Lee Kimmel

My sister, Justin and Maddox

My friend Michelle Wells took these beautiful pics at the hospital!

Justin, so happy to be a daddy... I love them both so much!

My besty, she was there for the whole time!

Paw-Dad, (Justins dad)
Mimi, (Justins Mom)
Nana, My mommy

1 comment:

  1. Your son is so beautiful! Congratulations! And I'm glad that you're blogging again :) Its nice to catch up!
