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Thursday, June 30, 2011

Teething for my Gerber baby ... Oh Joy!

Maddox cut his first tooth!! It happened June 24th! A couple days prior to that, he randomly started getting very fussy! He was even up off and on all night, crying... and this was not a "whine" cry, this was "Something HURTS mommy!" cry... I felt awful for him! I tried tylenol, that only made it worse cause it made him more tired and cranky... he was literally crying in his sleep. We finally got him to sleep for the night by around 3 AM... then he got back up at 6AM. The following day his gum had a white dot... i thought.. could it be? And I convinced myself... No, it's too early for a tooth!
Next day, I look in Maddox's mouth... there it is! a tooth popped right out!!!!!! I can't believe my baby boy is growing up!!!!!!!!!! I teared and felt like everything is going too fast... everything seems to be happening one right after another!

*** Let me tell you... I'm not real used to Maddox crying a lot.. we got so lucky with such a good baby! With Justin working 7 days a week, sometimes it can be hard, I feel horrible for my baby boy cause there is nothing I can do, besides slapping on tons of Orajel and giving him Tylenol occasionally. WHICH, I'm not a fan of giving him Tylenol... sometimes it makes him pass out so hard, it freaks me out! But while he has a second tooth he's cutting now, he's happier if I give him Tylenol and Orajel right before he goes to bed... still wakes up a little but not as much as off the Tylenol.... I wish I could teeth for my boo boo... I hate hearing his pain cry!!!! But I think he's being a trooper because most of the time, it's only night time he gets upset.***

The next day, he was at his Mimi's house (Justins moms) and she called me... said she walked out of the room, came back in and Maddox was all the way across the room. She thought, "How did you get there?" She moved him back on his mat... then noticed he scoots on his back, pushing with his strong legs!
I couldn't believe it! He's figuring out ways to get around already! Next couple days I put him on his back and he's scooting like crazy!!!!! WOW, How time flies!

I took this pic when I found his tooth.. it was too hard to get a pic of the actual tooth.. but i will, eventually!

NOW, On to GERBER BABY! My lil chunky monkey has been entered into the Gerber Baby generation contest. He could win a $50,000.00 Scholorship!!!!! I'm so hoping... there is 129,000 babies entered so far... today is the last day for entries... We'll see if he has a chance :D
Considering, to me, he's the cutest baby on this PLANET!!!!!!!

I love my baby boo!

Below is a copy of the entry!

AND, The pic I used:

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